SGKM Workshop: Film Music

September 29, 2022

27 December – Tuesday


Location to be announced.


Music has a great impact on our emotions. With its great power, it can take us through time and space and transport us to the first time we listened to a particular piece of music, to our emotions and mood at the time. Of course, with this great power, music is used to direct our emotions and perception in various ways. In this film music workshop, we will be looking at one of the most enjoyable of these, the use of music in film art. We will attempt to understand the psychology behind the notes and see how they cleverly play with our emotions, by watching scenes from various films. In the workshop, we will first watch scenes from a series of well-known films and see how music adds new meanings to the film with examples. We will look at what happens when the music in a scene is changed and removed. Through these exercises, we will both understand the secrets of famous music themes and enter the creative kitchen of directors and composers. Then, willing participants will test the first skills a soundtrack composer learns: They will try to uncover the emotional potential in a given scene without music. Participants will try to create an emotional effect suitable for the scene in the film by putting the music of their choice on the 1-minute films given to them. The results will be watched and reviewed together.


(No previous knowledge of music is required.)


İdil Özkan


İstanbul Devlet Konservatuarı Piyano Yüksek Bölümü’nden mezun oldu.

Konservatuarla eş zamanlı olarak İstanbul Alman Lisesi’nde okudu. Daha sonra Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Psikoloji Bölümü’nü bitirip Boston’a giderek Berklee College of Music’de Film Müziği üzerine üçüncü lisansını tamamladı. Jugend Musiziert yarışmalarında klasik piyano ve eşlik dallarında ödüller aldı, Roma Mozart Yarışması’nda üçüncülük ve Kahire Gençlik Piyano Yarışması’nda birincilik gibi çeşitli ödüller aldı. New York’ta besteci ve piyanist Lera Auerbach’la çalıştı. 2000 yılı olimpiyatları için hazırlanan ulusal marşların yeni yorumlan Cd projesinde “Anatolian Elegy” bestesi ile Türkiye’yi temsil etti. Türkiye’ye döndükten sonra İTÜ MIAM’da kompozisyon dalında yüksek lisansını yaptı. Çağdaş müzik besteleri yanı sıra film ve televizyon için müzikler yaptı ve çeşitli sanat ve eğitim projelerinde yer aldı. Klasik Keyifler katılımcısı ve üyesi olup, KK’in 2020 yılında başlattığı Sei Solo Projesi için davet edilen 12 besteciden biri oldu. Türkiye Psikiyatri Derneği 24. Klinik Sempozyumu’na açılış konuşmacısı olarak davet edildi ve “Notaların Ardındaki Psikoloji: Duygularımızla Zekice Oynayan Film Müzikleri” başlıklı konuşmasını yaptı. Halen beste ve eğitim çalışmalarının yanı sıra çeşitli şirket ve atölyelerde müzik, müziğin etki gücü ve yaratıcı süreç üzerine konuşma ve seminerler vermeye devam ediyor.



İdil Özkan

A graduate of the İstanbul State Conservatory Department of Piano, İdil Özkan studied at the İstanbul German High School simultaneously during her study at the conservatory. She later graduated from the Boğaziçi University Department of Psychology, and moved to Boston, where she received her third degree at the Berklee College of Music on film music. She won classical piano and accompaniment awards at the Jugend Musiziert competitions, as well as a variety of awards and honors such as the third prize at the Rome Mozart Competition and the first prize at the Cairo Youth Piano Competition. Özkan studied with composer and pianist Lera Auerbach in New York, and represented Turkey with her composition titled “Anatolian Elegy” in the CD project featuring new interpretations of national anthems for the 2000 olympics. After returning to Turkey, she completed her master’s degree in composition at İTÜ MIAM. In addition to contemporary music compositions, she also composed for television, and participated in various art and education projects. She was a participant and member of Klasik Keyifler, and was among the 12 composers invited for the Sei Solo Project in 2020. She was invited as the opening speaker for the 24th Clinical Symposium of the Turkish Psychiatry Association, and delivered a speech titled “The Psychology Behind the Notes: Soundtracks that Cleverly Play With our Emotions”. In addition to her composition and education work, Özkan continues to deliver speeches and present seminars at various companies and workshops on music, its impact and the creative process.