The third film directed by renowned actor Ralph Fiennes, The White Crow tells the story of the legendary ballet dancer Rudolf Nureyev. Written by screenwriter and playwright David Hare, who was nominated for the Oscar for The Hours and The Reader, The White Crow made its premiere at the Telluride Film Festival. Containing spectacular ballet scenes, the film tells the life story of Nureyev from his birth on a train in Siberia to his youth and his education, as well as his defection to the West from the Soviet Union at the Le Bourget Airport in Paris in 1961. Sergei Polunin plays the dancer Yuri Soloviev with whom Nureyev shared the same house, while Ralph Fiennes plays Pushkin, the most respected dance instructor of Saint Petersburg.
*Suitable for viewers aged 7 years or older. Viewers under 13 years of age may view the film under parental guidance. Includes behaviors that may set a bad example.
Director: Ralph Fiennes
2018 | Biography – Drama | 127′ | Russian, English, French, with Turkish subtitles
Ticketed Event, 6 TL / Please e-mail for reservation.
For invitations: / Invitations are available online, 2 days before the event.
Ticketed events and invitation-only events are open only to University Members.