• 12:30
  • Kurucular Salonu
Going to your own mountain … You need the deepest root to be able to rise high … A height

without a root can not be high enough … It uses scene elements such as choreography, sound

design, text and 3D design which are shaped on the journey made to the subconscious in

search of self.

My thoughts are wrapped around like a network

This is a dream

I am in the middle of a spider web of my thoughts

I’m like a target

There is an eye that pointed at me

My eye

It looks at me…


Choreography: Sernaz Demirel + Tan Temel

Dancer: Tan Temel

Text: Sernaz Demirel

Electronic Music and Interface Design: Arda Eden

3D Design: Meliha Sözeri

Light Design: Turan Tayar

Tonmaister: Halil İmik

3D Design Application Assistants: Leyla Kızıldağ, Özcan Anayurt

Production: TORK Dans, YTÜ Sanat ve Tasarım Fakültesi