Itri ve Bach @PerşembeKlasiği

  • 12:30-13:30
  • Suna Kıraç Kütüphanesi Atrium
Itri and Bach will meet Koç University students at the Thursday Classics event on December 26th!

In this session, Tanbur Artist Murat Aytekin, known from the İncesaz group, Turkey’s leading Duduk Artist Ertan Tekin, who lives in the Netherlands, and Borusan Istanbul Philharmonic Orchestra Cellist Çağ Erçağ will come together.

“Itri and Bach were two great music figures who lived in the same century but reached the peak of their art in different times and places. One was a cornerstone in Classical Western music, while the other was a pillar in Classical Turkish music. Just as Bach’s life is well-documented, Itri’s life is shrouded in mystery. The number of Bach’s surviving works is significant, whereas Itri’s are much fewer. Music is the strongest link between Bach and Itri. The same force that brings us together is that music is simply music…”

“The conceptual and consciously simple nature of Itri’s works contrasts with the intensity found in Bach’s compositions. However, each composer’s search emerges from these differences. If they had the opportunity to know each other’s music, both would have admired it. Our collaboration has brought them a little closer together.”

Cellist Selin Nardemir Önertürk will accompany the group.